January 15, 2002
Here's something I'm glad I never did: get really worried about
Is all I'm saying. Cloning anxiety seems so weird right now. What does
it matter if we create monsters? Humanity produces monsters
already, without any help from science. Though at least for now the
monsters aren't genetically enhanced and the rest of us have a chance
against them.
Here's what I wonder: Am I going to cringe at the sound of jet engines
for the rest of my life? And my answer, which of course I have no basis
for at all, is that no, I am not. Hopefully. Ditto for the obsessive
awareness of everything going on in the sky at any particular moment.
I am amazed that I grew up along the flight path for La Guardia, but
never noticed until now how many planes there were. I mean, I always
saw their lights. I used to watch their lights one after another coming
over the river, like orderly fireflies. But it never really occurred to
me that each of those lights was a jet filled with passengers and fuel.
In the daylight they are like intent and wingless mosquitos. Endearing,
somehow, but also terrifying.
And night falls on you, darling darling; it falls on me too.
Go out and buy Beulah's "The Coast Is Never Clear". Because it never
is, is it?